A few weeks ago Grace decided she wanted to be baptized. Well, she knew she wanted to be baptized, but wasn't so sure about getting dunked in front of the whole church, which slightly terrified her, introvert that she is.
All the best stories we have with God will involve a little bit of terror and some diving in anyway; I'm so proud of her for going for it. She was very glad she did it once it was over.
Anyone who plans to get baptized at our church prepares a statement to be read as they head into the water. A couple of days before she was baptized, Grace brought me hers, which read:
I want to get baptized because I love Jesus and I want everyone to know. Also because he has done amazing things in my life like giving me a great family!
I put down the dish I was drying and cried right there in the middle of the kitchen while my daughter gave me an awkward, mom-you-are-so-weird-but-I-love-you-anyway hug.
Brennan Manning passed away earlier this month, and I've spent time reflecting on his life and his words, remembering a man whose honest and close walk with God has impacted my life so much. I first read The Ragamuffin Gospel in 2001, and I will never forget it. I'd been a christian for a few years, but until that point, I had not understood grace. I would hear the word, but not grasp it. In the time I read that book, I got it. I knew grace for the first time, and understanding grace has made all the difference for me. Unearned favor. In naming our first daughter, we chose a name that would serve as a constant reminder of that work of God, his work in us; constant goodness we can never earn but can devour daily, grateful as can be.
Phill's message for the day also happened to be entirely about grace.
It seemed so fitting that this was the time she chose to take this step. It's hard to explain the kind of joy we feel as parents, seeing our children grow, become individuals, experience the world, and know God in all of it for themselves. So I won't even try. It's just hard to explain. But it is joy, for sure. It's an absolute joy.
Here's a video (she comes in at around 3:00.)
She is also getting incredibly tall.

We're so proud of you Grace!

We're so proud of you Grace!
Wow, congratulations Grace! On the baptism and the book (although one is way more important than the other).
And your hair is getting so pretty and long!
How Sweet! Congrats Grace!
You look great Megan!
Your fam is adorable
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