
Monday, March 4, 2013

What I've Been Reading.

I thought it was time to share what I've read so far this year.  I have gone through stages this winter in which I devour three books in a week, then weeks go by when I don't read any books at all.  I'm always looking out for new things to add to my library queue, so feel free to drop me some suggestions- I love suggestions!

     by Cesar Millan

     In which I realized I parent like an alpha pack leader. 

A Visit from the Goon Squad, by Jennifer Egan

     Stone-cold bummer.

The Paris Wife: A Novel, by Paula McLain

     I could not put this book down!  It was amazing.

A Moveable Feast, by Ernest Hemingway

     Hemingway's fictional take on the same story; interesting stories about Fitzgerald to boot.

     Mixed thoughts.

The Next Best Thing, by Jennifer Weiner

     I read this from a friend's book list.  Meh- but it was a fast read.  It's sort of one third Bossypants,  one third Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?/ last third light chick lit.  (But does not hold a candle to anything written by Tina Fey or Mindy Kaling.  It reminded me why I almost never read this genre- blah.)

     Also, I brought it to one of the girls' orthodontist appointments and our ortho said, "I just finished that book two days ago!"  To which I said, "I just picked it up on hold at the library yesterday."  She said, "Well I got it from the library too- must be the same book!"  (Same neighborhood.)

     We shared a little moment.  I love our orthodontist.

     Lovely little book full of wonderful, small recipes and big wisdom.

     Another one I couldn't put down.  Also, after her first lovely description of a recipe from her childhood I thought, "Man, I wish this book had a companion book of recipes!"  In faith I flipped to the back and saw to my delight that it did, indeed, contain dozens of recipes for the foods she talks about throughout her memoir.  Perfect.


     I'm about a third through, so it's too early to tell, but, my enjoyment is probably lessened as I so recently finished The Paris Wife, which I can't help but compare it to.  But really- it's good.  Very "Dickensonian" characters.

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