
Thursday, October 7, 2010

What I've Been Reading...

I realize I haven't posted about what I've been reading for a while- but that's because I have spent the last couple of months working, planning for the school year, and starting the school year. 

But- I'm getting back to normal.

I realize I enter nerd territory by sharing this- but I picked up this untouched book at a thrift store a few weeks ago, and I've been reading through it.  It's format is essentially a 13 week college literature and writing course, in one book- complete with several writing assignment options with every section.  I've really been enjoying it- travelling through themes, lots of free writing. 

I should mention that I did enjoy my college education- but there is something so much more enjoyable about literature and writing when you're motivated solely by free will, and not by obligation.  I'm taking my time getting through it in the afternoons, with a pot of french pressed coffee and a journal at my side.

It's an excellent book.

I've also read

Drops Like Stars, by Rob Bell.

And I made an official reading list to get me through the fall, as follows,

Animals in Translation, by Temple Grandin
Art & Fear, by David Bayles and Ted Orland
Permission to Speak Freely, by Anne Jackson
East of Eden, by John Steinbeck

Click here to see other books I've read this year, and feel free to offer suggestions in the comment section.

Read on.

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