We stepped outside while everyone was napping and reading to take some birthday shots together. We'd been outside all afternoon, but, somehow forgot how windy it was. How crazy, crazy windy it was. So, we stayed on the porch. Which was only a little better than the alternatives.
But this was important. We needed to do this. Because it was the day before the day you turned 7.

You are tall. Blond. Extremely mature.
It's true. But, you know when to let loose.

(Yes that was your idea.)
The wind kept blowing hair and dust in your face, but we still had fun. Red eyes and all.

You love taking photographs. And being in them.
You practice your picture faces in the mirror. You've got quite the portfolio of expressions.
You also have the cutest teeth. They remind me every day that you're not a little kid anymore. And you're not quite a grown up one either.

You are so creative. You're a prolific creator. Pieces of art (especially mixing found items and smaller projects together to create a grander masterpiece), songs, poems, stories, and more and more and more drawings of your life, your things, your people, your feelings than I can count are born from your creative mind in any given week.
You have very big feelings. Very big thoughts. Very deep intuition and communication with animals. You make amazing associations as we go through our days. You're always, always thinking.
And you're very, very generous. Every occasion is a wonderful time to give a gift. And, when you are the receiver, you keep your treasures safe, and for good. Gifts mean so much to you.
You sing along with the radio in the car almost constantly.
You feel the pull of being bigger, older, more mature, and yet living with younger siblings that need your maturity, your guidance, your help, and your time to play. And you do it all so well.

Today is the day you are 7.
This is so sweet!!! Enjoy the big birthday!
She is adorable! Sigh. My oldest turns 7 in a month. Can I cry?! Where has the time gone?
She is a beautiful young lady! Happy Birthday wishes!
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