We're eating roasted garlic for dinner tonight.
Garlic heads, ends cut off, drizzled with EVOO and white wine, touched with salt and pepper, and roasted until they are kinda caramelized, nutty, sweet, and divine.
They're in the oven right now. They smell amazing.
Then we're going to eat them, crushed in dipping bowls and covered with more EVOO and some Balsamic. With whole grain crackers, because we don't have any baguettes in the freezer and I didn't feel like baking quick bread this afternoon.
Roasted garlic and crackers. And probably water. That's what we're eating for dinner tonight. Then we're out the door for AWANA.
And I'm really excited about the roasted garlic. It's absolutely dinner all by itself. And I just wanted to tell someone.
Also, we use regular pepper. Not freshly ground pepper from a mill. Which America's Test Kitchen says is essential. Might as well not use pepper at all if it isn't super-nice pepper, that you grind yourself. And I always feel a little ashamed that we don't have a pepper mill, or nice pepper to grind in it. We just use the plain, apparently terrible stuff. And I just felt like confessing that to someone.
And I used an old picture, because I think posts are better with a picture. And I didn't feel like taking a new one- even though the roasting garlic is sensational.
Yep. It tasted amazing. Surprisingly, the Triscuits tasted great, bread is better, but the crackers weren't weird at all. We also had string cheese, and a graham cracker and a yogurt for desert. Patie likes the dipping oil so much she dipped the graham too. I liked it so much, when my crackers were gone, I used my finger to grab the rest.
Oh my gosh. And now I'm staving! Thanks. ;)
I am SO hungry. I LOVE roasted garlic.
mmm that sounds TASTY!!!! I'll have to give it a try!!!
I used my rolling pin to pound my meat forever and then finally got a REAL one - hey as long as it's heavy right??
My husband loves this, he had it at a restaurant once. I've never had it though. I'll have to give it a try. I should surprise him!
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