And so we were huddled up at home for days- which was of course a lot of fun, and made for a relaxed, cozy Christmas, full of games and snacks and movies and snow watching. We had Christmas with my family the weekend prior, and though we couldn't travel to MN for our stay with Jim's family, New Year's Day has provided another three day weekend this year, so we've simply moved it back to next weekend. It worked out well.
Other highlights include our late-night sledding venture out in the gorgeous swirling snow on Christmas night- all six of us out in waist high (on me) snow drifts (we have fantastic slopes in our backyard- just right for kids). It was really fun- and also Jim's six hours of snow removal just for our driveway and sidewalks alone. Merry Christmas, and Good Night, that was a lot of snow. 19 inches, which is then blown all crazy, creates some fancy drifts- and we're in a geographical position in our neighborhood for a whole lotta snow. Like, a drift that topped off halfway up our garage door. This is your cue to facebook Jim and tell him what a rockstar he is. People have stopped in front of our house to take pictures of our snow pile.
In the middle of all this, we stopped for our family's tradition to celebrate and give on Christmas Eve, complete with presents, 2-year-old fits, toy packaging, comparing of gifts, tasty pizza and soda (this is Jesus' birthday party after all- and that's what our kids always choose for their birthday dinners, so...), pure joy and excitement in useful and fun gifts, apple cider, bickering and hugging, and a reading of the Christmas story, with fitting carols sung in between scenes.
The day after Christmas we were finally able to exit our driveway, with the arrival of the end of the storm and the work of those blessed snow plows. We trekked to the mall of course. With both SD interstates closed over the holiday, no one could get to our city, so we natives had the entire mall to ourselves, if we could get there. It was fantastic. GAP clearance was sensational, the food court was quiet and comfortable, and there were no lines anywhere. Best After-Christmas ever, I tell you.
Here's a few random shots from Christmas Eve 2009.

What beautiful photos! I love the black and white - and the expressions are priceless!
Great photos! We got almost as much snow as you did and Robbie spent as much time as Jim did shoveling our area so we could go to my mom's. I have never seen this much snow in my area in my lifetime.
Have YOU stopped in front of you house to take pics?? We'd love to see them!!!
Sounds like a lot of snow :) Your shots are absolutely gorgeous, that family of yours is just so stunning!! So glad you all could celebrate and make the best of being snowed in - sometimes it is a blessing in disguise.
Happy Holidays to you all!!
Those pictures are precious. I adore the one of Dad with the kiddos on the couch. ♥
I've never seen a more beautiful family. I am glad that you had such a nice Christmas in spite of being snowed in. I wish you the best in the new year
Oh, how I wish I was up your way to enjoy all that snow! Sounds like you and your family took advantage of your winter wonderland:)
I have to say that picture you took of your son, is priceless! Your BW photos are always so good!
Really precious pictures, Megan!
Good times! Good pics. Great fam!
I want to see the snow pile too!
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