I bought this candle a few weeks ago- and it. smells. amazing. It's smokey and rich and definitely similar to a fire- also smells a lot like a man. Like a good-smellin' man. Now, my man smells good. And I'm madly in love with him, and I don't care who knows it. But, after the first time I lit my Fireside candle, I was ooohing and aaahing over how good it was, making elaborate noises while I emphatically smelled it in, and Jim informed me that this must be what Jim Halpert smells like. Have mercy.
Hahaha! Its true...Jim Halpert probably smells amazing!
Mmmmmm! I bet that does smell good!
I ♥ Jim Halpert, too!
I am cracking up at what your Husband said. I love Jim Halpert too.
I don't know what it smells like..but is sure looks good!
I bought one of these too...have yet to burn it - am "saving" it for Christmas or something good, I guess! Glad to know it smells as good burning as it does just sniffing it!
Do share...where can we get this amazing candle?
Isn't it great?! When I bought this, I thought to myself that this is what Daniel Craig must smell like but now that you mention Jim....
sounds absolutely wonderful. so funny too.
If I was a cat, I would totally be purring right now.
OK. that was wierd...and I am totally going to publish it anyway.
Is it 2010 yet? :)
I love your random Halpert obsession though I personally CAN NOT STAND the guy. Now give me a Greg House any day - mmmmmmm cynicism and sarcasm - that's how I love my men :)
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