Like I said, that first day, don't make ANY big decisions. It's just not a good time. Wait until the next morning.
I asked Jim what his first piece of advice for a man who's just lost his job would be, and he said, "Don't panic." Then I said, "I told them that yesterday." But we'll say it again. Do not freak. OK? Don't freak.
1. Look over all the information you received from your employer when they met with you the day before. Look at all the options you have available to you for unemployment, your insurance information, how long it will last, and how to continue your current coverage if you want it (very expensive), and how to receive other kinds of benefits available in your state, if you wish to receive them.
Look at your state's website, find the right phone numbers, and call someone if you want to speak to a human. They do this every day, they will have a lot of answers, and may even be very nice and helpful.
Get the ball rolling on receiving unemployment benefits etc first thing, if you'll want them, because it all takes a few weeks to get into effect, and you don't want to waste time if you're trying to keep as much money as possible in the bank.
Oh, and Jim mentioned that you need to read all the fine print. For everything. Read it ALL.
2. Go Hunting. Find the best websites for job searches in your area, and for your specific type of employment. Gather information on companies in the surrounding area (as far as you'd like to drive every day without moving) and if you can't find much online, just call them directly.
Organize your list of possible jobs, and what you'll need to apply for them. Research their websites, see what kind of company it is and what they're looking for. Tailor your cover letter and updated, shiny new, resume to that specific company. It's the bomb these days, people, applying for jobs, because it's all online. It really is simple.
3. Once you've sent off your resume to every possibility, and your applications are in for any new benefits you'll want to receive while unemployed, you exhale. And let it sink in that you'll be home with your family for a little while, and since there's nothing you can do but wait, you might as well enjoy it.
It will be "perpetual Saturday", as I like to call it, for that first week. Lots of down time. Just enjoy it. Sleep in a little, hang out, watch TV, play outside with your kids.
It's really, actually, really fun. But it's not all sunshine and roses. There are still several sticky situations to handle- with your money, your time, your relationship with each other, and with all that family time you'll be getting.
I'll be back tomorrow with some ways to ease the transition into Not having an income, Having lots of free time, and Being all up in each other's space all day long for the first time, perhaps, ever.
I know there are far too many people who can benefit from your advice.
Thanks for sharing your advice and wisdom about this! Still praying for you and your family.
I'm so sorry you're having to walk through this again. Thanks for writing these - I'm sure they will benefit many!
Thanks so much for sharing your story. I love your optimism. Sometimes I think it is good to realize what you have - and sometimes you can only do that when you lose something. Good luck to your beautiful family!
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