This clock was on clearance at Hobby Lobby for .99. It is really, really cute, and broken. Someday, Jim will fix it. Maybe.
This clock was at a garage sale. $1. It needs to be fixed too. Ahem.
This clock has never worked. It seems to be stuck.

(I'm just trying to be funny here, people.)
This clock I got for $1.99 at a thrift store- a real school clock, and it DOES work, but I had to put an old battery in it because we didn't have any AAs here, and so it only kept the right time for about six hours before it started slowing down... Someday I'll fix that.
And this one only works if you move the hands yourself.

Our clocks currently work - knock on wood - but none tell the same time! Jake is always asking me which clock is right, and I have no idea. Who cares what time it is anyways??!
Cute! Should I host a blog fest with either a clock or a pack of batteries for the prize?! :-) Call me if you need to know what time it is! Are you on facebook? I am. Look me up if you want.
Thanks for the chuckle!
And while these clocks may be cute, I think it may just drive me crazy that they didn't work. I would have to put them away until they got fixed.
you know, in my house, in the late afternoon, we enter a time warp, and time slows down to like 3:1 or actually stops...I bet your clocks are keeping track of that!
Totally off topic, but can I just say I love your house? It's so pretty! What color is that in the yellow/gold-ish room? We just painted our living room a similar color but I swear yours looks 100 times better!
Very fun post! I just love all the stuff you've gotten for such great prices. I liked the post your wrote about how you are good at finding that kind of stuff, because I am so awful at it. I never find the good garage sales and I almost never find anything worthwhile in the clearance aisles. But I keep trying, and maybe someday I will be able to show my cute stuff too:) I love that second picture. I really want to do a wall that like in our living room!
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