Going out with four and all that comes with you certainly handicaps me in the run-out-quick department.
For the sake of my sanity, I regularly arrange outings all alone, when Dad is home.
I know, I know. You don't get it. You will someday, I promise.
But I try to make a point to let you in on most of the errand running.
Absolutely nothing happens quickly when we are five out and about, delicately balancing moods, meals, naps and wants and needs.
But really, I think we do pretty well.
You're pretty much superstars.
It would be faster for me to just fit it all in when you weren't around.
But then you wouldn't meet so many people, or see so many neat things, or experience so much of the varied land that is "out and about".
I like doing that with you.
Not to mention, if I didn't make a point to take you out to the store, to lunch, to the post office, you would have no idea how to act once you were inevitably there.
And might I just brag on you a bit and say, Mama didn't raise no hyenas. You know your way around some manners- most of the time.
It would be easier to do my thing without you, but instead, I think I'll bring you along.
yeah...errands definately aren't what they used to be! It was hard with 2, and now with 3 I always forget something...even with a list...and I always have a list!
Thankfully for the most part my boys are sweet little troopers too. Hope it stays that way :)
Awwww...what a sweet post. Now that my kids are in school and I do my errands without them, I find that I miss them.
Well said - I'm in the same boat . . . I have three four and under and then I now watch an 11 month old. Today we were out in our van, all four of us. I got some interesting looks when I went to the preschool to pick up my 3 year old!!
you're such a good mama.
I love being on my own, but often when I am I see those other kiddos & start missing mine. Today's trip to Target wouldn't have been 1/2 as fun by myself. But my trip to Marshall's tonight....more fun by myself :)
I'm about 1/2 and 1/2 on this one!
I love the land of out and about.
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