Now, I had a lot of inspiration for this week's WWWAT. But you know, there are two budding photographers in this house that are just shakin' in their flips to be discovered. Today is their day. Hand your little photographers an old camera, if you have one- we do- and you'll be amazed at the insights you'll have into their world.
A Different View: Photography by Grace and Patience
They really love to try out poses for photos, just like mom. Here, Patience has captured Grace's thoughtful side...

I think Patie took this- look how little she is! How big the world must look!

Grace took this one... They LOVE using our old digital camera, so they can see the picture before they take it.

This is me. Of course. I should try to get on their level more than I do when I'm talking. I must look so big to them!

Grace's watch.

Honestly, they got like, 10 pictures of my butt. Here's just one. That's enough.

Fake flower from their toys, taken off it's stem, and photographed, upside down... I always have them use the flash, so the pictures don't get as blurry...

Then they ventured outside. Here's our empty birdfeeder.

Daddy and the H. I'm just amazed at their perspectives in their pictures. I really, really want to try to get on their level more! Most of the time, they're getting lectured by a pair of knees!

Head to American Mum's site and check out all the other participants- and vote for your favorite! And if you want, take part too!
What great little photographers!
The butt picture (and the fact that they took 10!) was just too much. Sent me into gales of laughter. Okay, not gales, but it was SO funny!
I try to make a concerted effort to get down on my kids level, but I don't always remember. This was an excellent way to drive the point home... We are HUGE to them. And perhaps a bit scary when mad :)
Wow. Thank you for your insight into parenting. That was really good to see.
They must have had a ball!
interesting pictures. In my world, my oldest daughter is taller than I am. It would be me that has the shorter view. Thanks for sharing.
So cute! It's amazing to see kids' perspectives, isn't it? And love the butt shot. :) 50 bonus points for posting it!
Your kiddos have got talent!
Very cute pictures :) It is easy to forget what the world looked like when we were small, so thanks for the reminder! Oh, and I agree with Rachel, at least 50 bonus points for posting the butt picture!!! :)
Have a great Wednesday!
Great WordlessWeds. Pics...:) I love it.
I love it! I have so much fun looking at my Ella's photos. the one of the underside of the flower is quite artistic also.
The view is amazing! How cute! The door pic view is really interesting. How funny that they captured your "derriere" as my Nana would say, lol.
ha, you're so funny, megan.
You are too funny :)
Great pictures ~as always!Looks like your kids might grow up to be talented photographers just like their mommy!!!
great idea to actually give them the camera for this wwwat.
Aviana has our old camera, and there are usually 10 pictures of the toilet!
love these pictures! the fake flower is especially cool even if I didn't know what it was until I read your caption :)
Happy Wednesday!
What a great thing to let your kids do, I need to try this sometime.
I especially love the one of the door. They really are so small and the world is so big. I forget that sometimes.
Great pictures :)
When I was a kid I LOVED taking pictures. I still do:) I think its great that you let them have fun and take pictures.
My kids all have their own digi cams- the littles have those my first digital cameras- very resistant- and I love to see what they take pictures of. You make a good point at what they see- we are so above their level. A nice reminder to "take it down a notch" so to speak. :)
I love pictures from a kid's perspective...nice reminder of how tall we are to them!
I especially like the bird feeder!
Happy Wednesday!
Oh this is so cute!! What a fun idea, I think you may have some future photographers at your house :-)
Absolutely AWESOME!
I had my daughter take some pics on a boat in San Diego and I felt horrible because they couldnt SEE Anything!!!!!!!!! No wonder they were irritable!
Too cute. Wish i had another camera for my kids. Hmm...a good excuse to get a new one for me! Not for awhile though. sigh.
Fun idea to let the kids take the photos. Really lets us see what they do!
love the kids' views, thats great! guess i'll be on the floor more now!
it's fun to give the kiddos the camera! They did a great job! :)
Hehehe :) Those are great! I guess I had never really thought about what life would be like from a little ones perspective...
So fun... thanks for the smiles this post gave me.
Have a good day.... and let the little ones photograph it.
what a GREAT idea! I love it!
Patience may have her mother's photo gene - that picture of Grace is just beautiful!
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