The war is over. I told you there'd be Starbucks on the house. Well, I changed my mind. It's Panera on the house. Hope you like French Onion Soup, and of course, it's Sierra Turkey and an apple. If you don't like the red onion, it's OK, you can pick them off.

I'm finished. Wartime is Peacetime and the cans and brushes are tucked away. I admit, it took me a while to get to it, after the BIG weekend I couldn't stomach it for a while- but I did finish those little spots, the neglected trims, and the like.
I'm always up for coffee, but I just couldn't stomach it. See, I got up early last Saturday and got right to work FINISHING the thing, you know? I would finish a spot and come up to the kitchen to get another shot of my "energy" boosting combination of a steady stream of Diet Coke and M&Ms...
There's power in them there M&Ms, because not only did I paint until I was done, really done, but I managed to shampoo the carpets in the entire house to boot. That's a big boot!
Except I felt like fainting or throwing up by the time I was done at 3:00. Well, see I couldn't decide which one to do, they both seemed imminent. I jittered and worked like a crazy spider woman weaving her web of productivity until I just crashed. Thankfully that was right when I was finished too. Score.
I am done. Mi casa es un casa de paz.
I forget my Spanish. Does that make sense?
Congratulations on winning the war! And I think Panera is a much better prize than Starbucks!
Enjoy your new paint job and your clean carpets!
Nice job! That's quite impressive :) Panera is definitely a well-deserved prize.
I don't know if that spanish is correct grammar (I've never taken spanish), but I knew what you were saying, so it made sense to me! ;)
When are you coming to my place? I have 2600 square feet that need either woodwork painted, walls painted, or a touch up here and there. I'll buy you Panera every day. Sound like a plan?
Panera is definitely a deserved treat! Are you going to post pictures of everything you accomplished:)
Congratulations! Your Spanish makes sense... you just need an "a" on the end of "un". :o) Hopefully you didn't faint or throw up...?
yay for completed projects! I had to go back and read the previous posts (as a newbie here!). I LOVE the blue of your kitchen! You found the perfect color to complement your cabinets - the color makes them shine and the white appliances pop. There is so much color in my apartment! Good thing I'm the manager and can paint all I want :) I just finished my living room in a fantastic green called "bamboo grove". I may leave it that color forever. It makes me so happy!
Nicely done have your Panera...and Starbucks too!
ok, for the record, i double-thought about the casa needing an una...but i decided it was one of those words that ends in an "a" but is gender neutral, so it had an un...
man, i still got it wrong, after all that thinking...
Oh my goodness that soup looks YUM... I am drooling!!
Wow, that was quite a project. Congratulations on finishing. I have painting to do this fall, do you want to help :)
Yummmmm! I love Panera's potato soup.
WOW Crazy Spider Woman~LOL~ I am tired from just reading everything you did!!! That's great that you got so much accomplished! & your Panera looks YUMMY :)
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