
And here's an after, complete with some great paint- it's a brown/olive, heavy on the brown side, but in this light, my camera is pickin' up more olive than anything. It really doesn't look like this at all. It's River Mud, from Home Depot, and I promise these pictures do not do it justice. Use your painty imaginations... I
Wait, let's open them up. See those unmade beds in there? No, I mean they are seriously unmade. I just didn't dare show you a closer look.
See this strapping young lad? (Wait, I forgot to rotate this one. Too late now...) He's all sweaty, because he cried for like, 15 minutes alone on the living room floor with the dogs, while I finished painting and clean up and Daddy dealt with some "discipline issues" with his sister. A sister who had some BIG issues...

really love it.
I started to use my flash, hoping for better results...not so much. See those couches? Someone gave them to us when we bought our first house. They've proven indestructible and invaluable, also doubling as a fold-out bed guest "room". They also completely camouflage pug hair...
See this? It took me FOREVER to place all of those pictures in there, not to mention picking them out. I did it before H was born, so at the time all I had were ultrasound pictures, but I love them, so I left it.
I love these hand prints. They're one of my favorite things. At the time they were 4, 2, 1 and two weeks. This is also a better representation of the color, but it's maybe a tad more olive than this...
Oh, and see this? I cut that mat myself, thankyouverymuch. I made this so long ago, but I have fond memories of doing it- I was so proud of myself.
I hesitated to even show you this half of the room, because it's going to change so much in the next month. Well, you'll just have to get another tour-de-project post, I suppose. (I know, I know, I'm sure you can't wait for me to drag you through another one of these...) No, wait, maybe you do like it. I LOVE seeing other people's houses, I don't care what they look like. Don't you?
I was alarmed yesterday, at the number of you that were impressed with my tasking skills. Ha. Just to show you a little of the imperfections/things I've been neglecting that I found when I ran down to take these afters...I promise these are only a portion of the non-love this house has felt while I've painted.

The lights down here are on a dimmer, so when we watch a movie we can make them low, like in a theatre. I love it.

Here's the basement bedroom doors. (Should I be calling this our "lower level"? Doesn't that sound better?

Oh, and I really love this paint. It looks great on the walls, with my pictures, and my white trim. Oh, one place it doesn't look great? Carpet.
No worries, it was on a remnant in the laundry/utility room. And another unrotated view. Arguably, this takes the cake as ugliest place in the house.
Oh, and upon entering said room... A mound of clean laundry, which I washed early yesterday morning... and it probably won't be put away until Thursday.
All of this is still dirty, and there's more in every bedroom...
Oh, and look at this glass of water, between two "backpacks" the girls made at VBS last week. See it there? It was my dinner last night, along with a handful of honey roasted nuts.

Megan, I like the new colors of your space, but I really like the G. K. Chesterton quote quite a lot. Are you sure G. K. stands for Gilbert Keith and not Gwyneth Kay or something : )
Okay, so you're not *perfect*, but I do just adore your decorating style!
I like the shot of the clean laundry on the floor that pry won't be put away till Thursday b/c that exactly how I am. The "lower level" looks great.
Megan, you're cracking me up! Still think you're amazing at getting it all done. A couple of secrets? Our clean laundry pile is on our bedroom floor. And I never make our bed. :O I think I'll be more motivated to do that some day when we have real adult bedroom furniture but not yet! The rest of our house looks pretty good (we desperately need a new couch but other than that), but our bedroom furniture is awful! Our bed is on a frame and that's it. LOL I barely have time to do everything. I even blog on the go. In bed after hubby asleep or with my son when he's playing happily and Lexi's asleep. I recognize sweaty Hudson...there's a sweaty Lexi from time to time too! Hate that!!
I can always count on you to give me a laugh and cheer me up each morning. Thanks.
Loving all the decor pics...keep them coming. It is motivating me to get it together!
oh and the spice rack...should've known. What was I thinking?! :)
i LOVE the photo tours :)
and congrats on yet another lovely color!!
Real life... it's loud, messy, fun, and sometimes there are BIG issues. And now, you have a beautifully painted house to have all of that real life in!
Your dinner sounded ummmm, filling! ;)
I also love seeing your decorating! You have such a nack for selecting colors and your b&w decor is so timeless, classic, yet trendy. Amazing! Thanks for the "real" stuff, too, we all have it! Like my garage where I used to park my car now holds a crawl-space worth of junk that was saved from a water leak. The car is outside hoping to get back into the garage sometime in the next YEAR! Of course there's more, but I digress.
I only have a min. I have a house full of teens making modest shorts to wear to camp. They are all out in the pool at the moment so I grabbed a min to come to the computer. (I'M addicted). I love your nice big basement. How I wish CA houses had them but we dont.
I also love your paint job. Good work. LOL Grammy Lura
I too puffy heart the photo tours! :)
Again, another inspiring color!
You are amazing to paint, take care of four kids, and blog! WOWzers I am impressed! :)
Loving it! The paint looks excellent, and I love all of the neato things you do with pictures and stuff. Come help me, please???
PS - You inspired me to do a little tour today as well!
So now that I know you've seen MY basement, what can I say??? LOL! I love the colour, it all looks terrific, I always love me a little photo tour! I have big plans for our basement reno and I might have to bring pics of yours with me :-)
The color is beautiful - really brings out the white trim and wonderful wood floor. I'm also SOOO happy to see some dirty laundry - makes me feel at home. :) Very warm and cozy house.
Yeah. Whatever. You still da bomb.
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