You would not believe what was behind this door, really. It's shocking. Go ahead and insert the Twilight Zone theme music if you will. It's never been more appropriate. Alfred Hitchcock said something to the tune of, "there's nothing more frightening than a closed door." Oh, peeps, he was right.
This week I am on fire, I tell you. Honestly, I see God giving me a big green light to finish several huge tasks I have had before me since we moved in. It feels like we just got here, but, it's now officially been three months. I keep saying I just moved in like I keep saying I just had a baby, who's nine months old... I digress... Things are going so smoothly, and I'm really seeing results. Do you ever have a time like that? When you're just insanely productive, and your kids seem to flow with it right along with you? Such a strange chain of events compared to typical life with four small sets of helpin' hands. Wait, why in the world am I sharing all this with you?! Surely the minute I shout from the rooftops that things are going well, the tides will turn, right?? I'm believing for today to be good too. I'm believing for an awesome weekend as well. I'm believing I'll have after shots of this room within the next couple of weeks, too. But goodness-golly, you are NOT going to get even a peek at this monstrosity until there's a before AND an after.
you are SO on fire! I can't wait to see, ESP the before pics, due to your description that had me LOL.
Good luck . . . and BTW I use the "I just had a baby" thing for a lot of excuses, and she is five months already. I talk about it like I just had her last week!!!
Hooray for tasks completed!! Isn't that a lovely feeling? I know, things go that way for me to, as soon as I declare something wonderful it all falls apart. Let us hope that is not what happens in your case.
Have a wonderful weekend!
You go!!! I took 3 bags to goodwill yesterday! Boy did that feel good!
Can't wait to see the results!
I don't know how you do it all, with four little ones underfoot. You are surely on fire this week - hooray for Megan!
Oh I am so excited!!
And AWESOME for you accomplishing several tasks. Doesn't it just feel the best? :)
Happy Weekend Friend!
"These are the voyages of the Jim and Megan Koch household. Her continuing mission - to seek out new lands and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before." Yes, I am a slightly trekky person. Your homeschooling room (I'm guessing) is like the last frontier of space. Ha. Or perhaps YOUR bedroom?
You are inspiring me...I'm almost getting up to clean out my craft closet...but wait a min....it is 110 outside....my pool is still lonesome for company...I'll think about your good example while I take a dip...really I will....I will...I will
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