I made some orange spice biscotti yesterday and told the girls we could all have some for our after-nap snack. While we waited for the "steam machine" (their word for the espresso maker) to heat up I showed them where Italy was on their world map placemat. We also discussed that there is no difference between a "plane" and an "airplane"- that they're the same thing, and
yes, they would need to ride in one to get to Italy. Grace and Patie had a heated debate about said topic for a couple of minutes before I informed them that they were both right. As we sat down, me with my coffee and the girls with their steamers, I realized I was basically giving them a twist on the classic cookies and milk.
I love our days together. Motherhood is an intensely challenging role- with incredible rewards that blow my mind every day. By the way, have you ever heard a three-year-old say biscotti? Priceless.
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