Today was the last day that we'll see Brandon, Jen and Jaylon for a while. I've lived in almost complete denial of this day's arrival for a month and a half now. But, this morning I realized it really was finally here. Enough about me- What I really want to say is, how Great is our God?! I know that through all of the changes He is bringing to the Bruces (and to so many others as they leave Rapid City) He is bringing Himself glory and growing a deeper, richer faith in them that will make an impact on eternity. We are so thankful for all the time we had with these sweet friends and have been so blessed by them, and will continue to be. As I've seen them enter this time of unknown details about their future, I see the faith that God has given them growing and strengthening, and in turn it's impacting the lives of others. I am reminding myself that any time we've gone through times of transition and we haven't known what's ahead for us, God blesses us so much. He's blessed us in the challenge to trust Him alone and to believe fully that He is on His throne and He'll provide for each need as we need it. He is always faithful and His plans are far better and above our own. They may not know when their house will be sold, or even where they will live next, but we know God is working out His will in their lives. He is our constant Provider, and He will bring all things together in a way that brings Him the most glory- we are so excited to see it unfold. In fun, easy times, in difficult times, in times when we can't seem to make sense of things, God is so good. If you don't know the Bruces, start checking their blog, and I'm sure in the next few months you'll see a testimony of His faithfulness to always provide for His children, and see Him using them greatly in their new home.
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Love and miss you tons!
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