
Sunday, September 16, 2007

One Last Day

One advantage of being induced is that you can know exactly when you're going to go into labor. Last week when I found out I only had 2 more days before Hudson would be here, I worked like crazy to get everything together on day 1, so I could devote as much of day 2 as possible to just being with my girls. (And Jim and I got to have some special time together that night, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa.) Each time we add a new member of our family, instantly it's like they've always been there. The arms of our house open wide and stretch out and welcome in one more. As excited as we were for him to be here, I tried to savor the last weeks we had together, just me and the girls, as much as I could. On our last day together, we spent all our time hanging out, enjoying doing "nothing" together. We picked up some food from Jimmy Johns for lunch and headed out to one of the formal gardens to spend a lazy afternoon hanging out in the grass, checking out the flowers, just loving our one last day together before a new chapter began. I brought my camera, really wanting to capture them just as they were, they're all growing and changing so fast.

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