I haven't posted in forever, and I have big ambitions to post several times this week. We'll see how I do. We're all gearing up for Koch #6 to get here in a little over a month. The girls are very, very excited to finally get to hold their brother instead of having him in my stomach all the time ( I hear about this often). They have all kinds of plans for him. At my 34 week appointment my midwife told me he was "growing magnificently" which, in the context of our conversation is a euphemism for "he's getting really big for his age". She didn't even tell me how much I measured...I'd rather not know. For those of you that don't know, Jim and I are a perfect genetic combination for making big babies. They've all been born at different times, but all did reach or would have grown to 10lbs + by full term. This one's right on target with them. I cannot tell you how happy I am about this*. *Please read with heavy sarcasm. We are so thankful that he's healthy though, and everything's right on track. Anyway, we're having a great summer (mostly indoors with the air conditioning...) and are enjoying the anticipation of the new baby to come and the last weeks we have together before our family evolves one more time. Here are some random pictures from the last few weeks...

Here's Grace and Patie burning the midnight oil with Daddy on a night that he needed to bring some extra projects home. They'll sit for hours with him and "work"- usually they color. Those nights are special because we want to make sure that they don't feel left out of Daddy's time, especially since they don't get to see him during the day. We let them stay up a little later and they feel incredibly important. (Well, they are!) They sit very quietly and every once in a while we'll hear one of them say "Whew! this is hard work!" It's pretty cute.
Here are the girls brushing Bebo with their toy brushes. If you can't read dog body language very well, this is a pretty submissive, "I hate this but I'll let you do it anyway" stance. A little while later they filled his hair with clips and put pony tail holders around his ankles like bracelets...
One day last week Lily got moussed. She had gone downstairs with her sisters and maybe three minutes went by before I went down to check on her. In that amount of time she'd gone straight for the bathroom and taken out all of my hair stuff, but got right to the mousse, which she knew exactly what to do with. Of course her sisters did nothing but stand by quietly and watch. Thanks, girls. Here's Lily's self-made hairstyle. She was really having a great day- about 20 minutes later she ate several dog treats, given to her by her sweet sisters when Mommy went out to get the mail. She thought that day was awesome. I...didn't....
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